The most effective free tool for keyword research is one of the most useful tools that bloggers can be equipped with in their toolkit. By having access to top used keywords on the search engine, you will be able to increase the amount of attention your blog gets. Instead of paying annual or monthly fees for keyword research, let’s take a look at some of the most effective free tools available.

What Are Keyword Research Tools?

It’s not a secret that keyword research is among the most important SEO task that you can benefit from. These sites are unique and designed as search engines, which allows bloggers to search for the most searched-for keywords relevant to their particular niche. With the keywords you choose, it is possible to find certain audiences to guide them to your site.

Utilizing keywords organically in your content informs Google that your website contains information that is relevant to what users are searching for. For instance, if someone is looking for domain registry companies, using keywords that are related to this topic can lead users to your website. While keywords aren’t the only factor to think about when creating SEO material for your website but they’re a crucial factor.

Best Free Keyword Research Tool: Our Top Picks

A basic understanding of the importance of keyword research and the ways it can aid to improve your search results, let’s take a take a look at the most effective tools that are available.

Google Trends

A list of tools for keyword research wouldn’t have been complete with out Google Trends. It is among the most popular and offers the most up-to-date results, and is provided direct by Google.

Google Trends takes a look at the relative importance of particular search terms over specific times. For instance, you’ll in a position to determine the prominence of a specific phrase, such as “Domain,” between October between October and November.

Utilizing the data you collect from Google Trends using the data from Google Trends, you can create a successful content calendar. Knowing which terms are most searched for at certain seasons You can plan your content more precisely.

Consider Halloween for instance. If you’re selling decorations for Halloween it is possible to determine the most popular decorations people search for during October. With this information it is possible to tailor the keywords that you include in your website content to bring increased numbers of people to your site.

The metrics that are available through Google Trends can also tell you the popularity of certain search terms in general.

Keyword Generator

Keyword Generator is an innovative tool as it displays the most popular keywords as well as their ranking in terms of difficulty. It is possible to input a generic keyword through the site it will give you the list of related keywords. Each one of these terms comes with an specific “Keyword Difficulty,” which indicates how difficult the task is of ranking for a specific keyword.

The general rule is that the higher the difficulty of a keyword, the more backlinking you’ll be required to create. There are other metrics that are valuable in addition, such as the volume of searches for specific keywords, as well as when they last changed.

Keyword Generator is an excellent tool for bloggers searching for both long and short-term keywords. On at the very top of your page, you’ll notice the tab that’s named “Questions.” The questions tab lets you examine the most frequently searched keywords and the most frequently asked questions. For instance, if you look up “Domain,” one of the search results could be “How to buy a domain?”

One of the most effective tips to utilize on this website is to ensure that you’ve got the right country chosen. By default, the results are tailored for people from the United States. You can however, alter the search area to nearly any country around the globe since there are more than 170 countries to choose from.

Answer the Public

Answer The public is a modernized website to search for keywords, with both pay-per-month and free options. If you sign up for a Pro account, you’ll also have access to other options, including the ability to change your location. For basic keywords, it’s going to be useful for most bloggers.

The greatest benefit of this site is that it does not just is able to search for keywords that are related. There’s also the list of queries, comparisons prepositions, and alphabetical results to help you develop your keyword.

Every user has to begin with an “seed” keyword, which will initiate your search. Your “Questions” results you receive will reflect the who is, what’s, where’s the why, when, and where of a particular keyword.

For instance, if you use “Domain” as the seed keyword, you’ll receive questions such as, “Why are domains important?” If you’re looking for preposition results the layout is your seed word plus preposition plus related terms.

It’s not difficult to see why this site is extremely well-known due to the amount of results it gives out. Answer the Public’s results are more effective than other search engines for keywords generally offering greater than twenty results for each search phrase.

SEMrush Free – Keyword Magic Tool

If you’re looking for an easy tool to research keywords, SEMrush Free is an excellent choice. It also gives you a ample information even with an account that is free.

Similar to Answer The Public. However, users may choose to enroll in the paid account based on the amount of daily searches you’ll need. Free accounts are allowed 10 searches per day, including keyword analysis and domain searches.

If you enter your seed word and click on the search button, you’ll be able examine phrases as well as exact matches, related matches, as well as broad matches. In addition users can also to look over queries regarding particular keywords.

It’s a simple device to utilize with a basic account, unless you are planning to perform large-scale searches. If you want to perform more searches, the Pro or Guru account comes with additional benefits, including:

  • 500-1500 keywords tracking
  • 100,000-300,000 page crawls
  • PDF export
  • Historical data
  • 40+ tools and additional

Keyword Tool Dominator

Bloggers planning to sell affiliate links on their websites are advised to think about Keyword Tool Dominator. Similar to SEMrush’s tool, you’ll only be able to do a small amount of searches when you sign up for the free account (three per day). They do allow you to look up the most popular keywords on top-rated, websites with high traffic, such as:

  • Etsy
  • Walmart
  • Amazon
  • Google
  • Google Shopping
  • Bing
  • YouTube

If you enter the search criteria of those keywords, you’ll get important information to hand. You’ll first be able to look over the sources used to determine particular keywords, as well as the country in which it is ranked. You can also check the rank score of each term to see the degree of competition it’s likely to have.

One of the most valuable advantages that is a part of Keyword Tool Dominator is that it provides frequency information in a simple-to-read graph. It is possible to use the charts for marketing research, or get an understanding of the frequency with which certain phrases are searched.

People Also Ask

When creating content, it’s crucial to think about keyword targeting but also getting valuable data. The more valuable your content you provide on your website for visitors, the greater credibility your site will gain. Making sure that your contents are informative and useful will also reduce bounce rates and keep more of your customers.

When you use people also asking Marketers will get an understanding of how particular keyword-driven questions are organized. Additionally, you’ll be able to examine the related keywords to a specific search term. By using this data, you’ll be able to determine the best way to position your content to answer any questions potential customers may be asking.

It’s clear that the data that you gather from your query will greatly improve the structure of the content. You’ll get a better sense of the questions people are asking to ensure that your content is focused on the most important issues. This way it will help your website stand out among your competitors with greater efficiency.

YouTube and Google Autocomplete

Autocomplete functions are an excellent tool for search engine optimization. Prior to the rise of tools for keyword research autocomplete was the sole way for marketers to find the what keywords were being searched for the most.

To utilize these tools, you’ll need enter a keyword in the search bar of YouTube as well as Google. You’ll be presented with the list of searches that are related to related to your seed word to help you determine what’s the most searched. In general, the most searched-for item is the one people are searching for the most often, followed by less search words.

While this method doesn’t provide specific numbers like difficulty in ranking, it can aid you in establishing your search. It can give you a general notion about what users are searching for in the keywords you’re looking for. It’s also a great method of doing a amount of research without having to find specific tools or registering accounts on various websites.


If you’re in search of an effective tool to research keywords for particular areas, WordStream‘s platform is highly recommended. It allows you to look over specific niches that you are interested in to find additional suggestions for specific keywords. By using a search term you could also categorize additional suggestions that are based on specific topics.

Through the website, type in your search term or URL to get keyword suggestions. You can adjust the field you wish to look for and also the country you are searching in. The results will present you with keywords that are related to the search and the Google number of searches as well as their chance score.

Two other crucial aspects of every outcome include CPC as well as competition. The score of competition tells you how difficult a certain keyword is to rank for, and ranges between low and high. In terms of CPC you can view the approximate cost associated with the use of cost-per-click methods for advertising per keyword.

Similar to other keyword search tools, you don’t have an unlimited amount of searches that you can perform at no cost. Instead, you’ll be able to do 30 searches for free or join an Advisor account to receive additional requests.


Examining search result data throughout all major search engines could prove beneficial for several reasons. It lets you get ahead of your competitors by focusing on searches on various platforms on the web.

Soovle is a distinct platform that examines the keywords searched across Yahoo!, Wikipedia, YouTube, Google, and many more. When you type in your keyword the website provides you with a listing of the most frequently searched terms across a variety of sites.

You’ll be able to analyze the effectiveness of your keywords across multiple channels, but also develop a successful marketing plan. When you type in your ideas, the website will provide you with a diverse set of keywords that you need.

Final Thoughts

The best keyword research tool depends on the amount of research you’ll need. Certain tools are best suited to search terms that are related to Google. And others concentrate on the web in general. There’s no doubt that this level of research is crucial to the success of a blog.


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